Key Stage 2

This covers children from age 7 – 11 in Year 3-6. Children complete part of Key Stage 2 here at Southridge in Year 3 and Year 4 and continue in Middle School.

We plan our curriculum, based on the National Primary Curriculum (2014) in three phases - Long, Medium and Short Term. The Long Term Plan can be seen in our ‘Curriculum Map’. The long-term plan for each key stage indicates what ‘topics’ are to be taught in each term in order to cover the knowledge, understanding and skills required in the National Curriculum. We review our long-term plan on an annual basis.

As far as possible we aim to ‘link the children’s learning’. We develop cross curricular links throughout our work to make the learning more meaningful and exciting for the children.

Our medium-term plans give clear guidance on the objectives and teaching strategies that we use when teaching each topic. Our RE scheme of work is based upon the North Tyneside Agreed Syllabus. Spiritual, moral and cultural development is woven through our curriculum and underpinned by our school core values and British values, to achieve an ethos of caring for each other, our community and our environment.

English is one of the core subjects in the National Curriculum. It enables children to communicate effectively with others and express themselves clearly, confidently and creatively. Southridge has adopted the renewed primary framework for English in which children are taught to develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, spelling and handwriting.

Using a rich variety of texts, children are encouraged to become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry, drama and non-fiction texts. Reading is taught systematically by using a synthetic phonics approach so that children can tackle new words by blending sounds. We have traditionally used Read, Write Inc. in Reception and then introduce the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonics programme to teach reading skills from Early Years onwards. We use attractive, interesting books that the children will enjoy sharing. We use a variety of reading materials, Oxford Reading Tree, Floppy Phonics, and Read, Write Inc being our core early reading schemes, supplemented by Oxford Songbirds and Treetops. As the children progress they are offered a wider variety of texts, including a rich variety of high quality fiction and non fiction books.

Children are heard to read regularly in guided reading sessions and on an individual basis. Every day, the children take part in shared reading as part of their literacy and each week they will do Guided Reading/Individual Reading with the teacher and support staff. Staff keep detailed records of reading progress. Every child also has regular opportunities to take home an Independent Reading book to share with you. All children have a Reading Record Book, in which staff and parents record reading progress. We encourage parents to purchase a Book Bag from the School Office. These help to protect our books and are useful for the safe keeping of newsletters etc.

We are proud of the high standards the children reach in English and we appreciate the support children are given at home in reading every day.

The children are given opportunities to write for a variety of purposes in a range of different styles. Children develop and use their knowledge, skills and understanding through shared, guided and independent writing sessions. We teach handwriting in a structured way so that each child develops a fluent and accurate style. Children learn to write using lower case letters first and then capitals only for the first letter of names etc. It is important to learn correct letter formation in the early years and much time is spent on this. ‘Joined’ writing is begun in Year 1 and all children would be expected to write using a joined script with some fluency by Year 3. Spelling is given a high priority. When we teach spelling we group words according to phonic blends, under themes or sometimes words which are ‘tricky.’ We also focus on the correct spelling of the key words.

Speaking and Listening
Talking is a vital part of language development and we aim for confident, articulate and expressive children. Children are encouraged to talk to one another, and match their style of response to their audience and purpose. Our English lessons provide children the opportunities to work in varied groupings, according to the type of task but groupings are predominantly organised by ability. At Southridge children receive at least one hour of focused literacy work every day. Children are all set regular targets to help develop their reading and writing skills. Parents Booklets are available which outline useful information about reading, phonics, spelling and guided reading.

Mathematics is a core part of our curriculum. We follow the National Primary Curriculum 2014 for Numeracy and use a wide variety of teaching methods, alongside high quality resources to help children develop key skills in number, data handling, shape, space and measures. They develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving in maths.

Number - Children are taught to understand the relationship between numbers and develop various methods of computation. Mental arithmetic is used to develop a sound knowledge of basic number facts and enable children to work at speed.

Measures - Children are taught to compare, estimate and measure using standard and non standard measures in length, area, time, weight, capacity, area and volume.

Shape and Space - Here children sort, classify, draw, make and describe shapes. They use mathematical language to describe movement, position and symmetry.

Data Handling - This involves the children in sorting and interpreting data in graphical and tabular form. Throughout the children are taught mental strategies to solve problems and learn how to use a variety of written recording methods. They develop skills of using and applying the mathematical strategies learned, investigating pattern in number, graphing statistical data and extending their knowledge with careful questioning and explanations of strategies learned.

Children are grouped within their classes according to ability in Maths. Children are all set regular targets to help develop their mathematical skills. A Parents Booklet is available outlining the expected outcomes for each Year in maths. An additional useful booklet outlines our recording processes in Maths from Early Years through to KS2.

Science is another National Curriculum core subject. It involves the children in first hand experiences to seek explanations about themselves, their world and how they affect each other.

The children are encouraged to raise questions to make hypotheses, draw conclusions and give explanations concerning their science topics. The children study Life Processes and Living Things, Materials and their Properties, Forces, Electricity, Light and Sound. They are taught the relevance of science in the world today and are given opportunities to develop basic skills of observation, identification of similarities and differences, measuring, recording and interpreting results in a variety of ways, in order to be able to carry out practical investigations.We have very close links with Newcastle University and have regular visits to the Dove Marine Lab etc to see the practical application of Science.

Computing is an integral part of modern life. It is used to find things out and allows children to develop ideas and make things happen. They use it to exchange and share information. It enables them to review, modify and evaluate work as it progresses. It is used to support all aspects of the curriculum, as well as being taught as a subject in itself, with a progression ofskills being developed. Children gain understanding of the place of ICT today, simple programming skills and confidence to use new technology.

We have a Computer Suite in the main building which allows 1:1 computer to pupil ratio. New computers were purchased installed in August 2015. In addition, there are computer facilities in each classroom including a suite of laptops for shared use. All classrooms have Internet access. Interactive boards are available for use in each classroom. Other ICT opportunities include the use of i-Pads, Lego –We Do – programming kits, digital videos, cameras, microscopes, flipcams, easyspeak microphones, digital books etc. Every pupil has a discrete ICT lesson each week which is supplemented by cross curricular ICT opportunities

In Design and Technology, children learn to think and plan creatively. They become creative problem solvers, investigating the world around them and the products within it. They combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues. As they do so, they reflect on and evaluate examples of past and present design and technology, including its uses and effects. We teach them to look at models and structures and design and make their own.

History and Geography
History and Geography are taught throughout the school in a cross-curricular format using topic work and activities to develop necessary skills and understanding. Our aim in teaching geography is to help children develop their knowledge of the world by developing their understanding of the human and physical processes that develop local and distant places. They use geographical enquiry to find out about different environments and the people who live there. They learn to ask geographical questions about people, places and environment and use and develop geographical skills.

History involves finding out about the lives and lifestyles of familiar people, of famous people and of events in recent and more distant past in the locality, in Britain and the rest of the World. It allows children to learn about the developments of Britain, Europe and the World and to introduce them to what is involved in understanding and interpreting the past. Visits to places which have a geographical/historical interest are made frequently in order that children have first hand experiences. During their time at Southridge, children have the opportunity to take part in several field study trips to learn first hand, including visits to the local coastline and a residential visit in KS2 to High Borrans.

Physical Education
Southridge places a strong emphasis upon sport and motivation for all as a life long interest and skill. Each child receives 2 hours of PE each week. In PE children are encouraged to be physically active and follow a healthy lifestyle. It develops fine and gross motor skills, as well as developing knowledge, awareness and understanding of fitness and health and the effect that physical activity has upon their bodies. Children are also taught about safety and positive attitudes.

PE helps children develop social skills in activities involving co-operation and collaboration, responsibility, personal commitment, loyalty and teamwork. Aspects of games, dance, gymnastics, athletics and outdoor education are taught throughout the key stages. Children in Year 2 and 3 will also have the opportunity to have one term of swimming lessons.

There are many opportunities for the children to participate in sport outside the normal curriculum. Typically children can participate in dance, gymnastics, football, rugby, badminton, multiskills and, netball clubs after school. Our school teaching staff are supported by our Whitley Bay Collaborative specialist PE teachers and others who have specialist coaching qualifications. Our extensive school playing fields are used for all winter and summer sports and also by the community for specialist coaching sessions in football, etc. Links have been formed with local Sports Teams and their resources are widely used. The children enjoy being involved in competitive inter-school games/events. In the past two years we have been champions in lower KS2 North Tyneside Skipping, Badminton, Athletics and Multiskills competitions.

Through our programme of PSHCE, we teach all our children to become safe, healthy, independent and positive citizens. We aim to build self esteem and teach children how to develop strategies to cope with different life situations. Our work in this area is done across a number of other curricular areas as well as in dedicated curricular time. The children have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of personal, social, health and citizenship related issues. Our school has achieved the Healthy School Award for many years.

Sex Education Statement Sex and Relationships education is an implicit part of our Science and PSHCE curriculum. Matters or questions from children will be dealt with in an honest but sensitive manner. Our policy focuses on areas such as growth, feelings and relationships, rather than physical aspects, which are taught at Middle School level. A copy of the syllabus for PSHCE which outlines the curriculum content for Sex and Relationships is available for parents to examine. Parents are reminded of their right to withdraw their children from this aspect of the curriculum (section 241 Education Act 1993).

Modern Foreign Languages
Learning a Foreign Language at school helps to develop a range of communication and linguistic skills as well as social and cultural awareness. Children from Nursery class are taught weekly lessons in French, incorporating song, role play and other speaking and listening activities. In Year 3 and 4 children move on to reading and writing in French and learning about French lifestyle and culture. A lunchtime French Club run by Le Club Francais is very popular and our Reception children are also offered a Spanish Club after school.

A planned musical development programme is used by all ages in the school. This includes singing, creative activities, pitch and rhythm and listening. Children use a wide range of musical instruments in the school. Music is a cross-curricular subject but is also taught in a core approach. Children also have the opportunity to learn to play the recorder, ukulele,min trumpet, violin, keyboard and piano. Our thriving choir enjoys performing at many local events. Music is highly valued and the children are involved at Festival times singing for charity, the community and at local events.

Art and Design provides an opportunity for children to develop their creative and imaginative skills. It also provides a way of understanding and responding to the environment as well as an appreciation of art from other cultures. Children enjoy exploring the ideas and skills of famous artists, craftspeople and designers. Children are encouraged to be self critical and to improve their work and to develop the capacity to express observations and feelings. Children learn about colour, form, texture and pattern and use a wide range of different materials and techniques such as painting, printing, sketching, modelling, collage work and textiles.

Religious Education
The school’s policy is based upon the North Tyneside Agreed Syllabus. We aim to help the children develop and communicate their own beliefs about religion, spirituality and moral values. We learn about differing religious beliefs and practices, thereby encouraging empathy and respect for other people regardless of their religious, ethical or social background. Throughout the First School, children study Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism. Members of local faith communities also support the teaching of RE. Children make visits to local places of worship to enhance their understanding e.g. St John’s Church, St Mary’s Church, Synagogue in Gosforth, Hindu Temple in Newcastle, Mosque in Newcastle. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education, but would be asked to discuss their request with the Headteacher.