Curriculum Intent - the rationale behind our curriculum
At Southridge staff continuously review and discuss our curriculum - 'The Big Curriculum Conversation'.
We make sure that every child has the best start in life. Our curriculum intent is based on our core values, through which we deliver a broad, balanced and rich curriculum to prepare every child (including those with SEND) for the next stage / future life.
To be effective learners our children have to understand and adhere to our core values so that by the end of Year 4 our children will have developed the resilience needed to thrive on new challenges ahead at Middle Schools
Our curriculum INSPIRES our children. We strive to deliver the best education and extra - curricular activities for them.
Standards are high in the core subjects whilst also delivering excellence and a broad and balanced foundation curriculum. We offer a whole range of exciting experiences which help to develop greater depth knowledge and thinking.
We have looked at the design and implementation of our curriculum and also how we evaluate the impact of our curriculum
At Southridge our Curriculum is in two half’s
(vital to promote social mobility)
At Southridge we have customised our curriculum to meet the needs of our children:
1. It meets the statutory requirements
2. It’s made to measure and is designed to build on their experiences
3. It supports and promotes the ethos of our school – core values
4. There is an appropriate balance – so that maths and English doesn’t dominate
5. There is real breadth – we offer a wide range of experiences, opportunities to do things in different ways.
6. It promotes SMSC / British Values –
7. It also supports a depth of learning (in ALL the children NOT just high ability) teach, practice, repeat, apply.
8. It engages and inspires the children.
“The curriculum including the many enrichment opportunities is outstanding. It promotes excellent achievement. Subjects are frequently linked together so that pupils can make use of their skills in other subjects that they have learned in English, Mathematics and computing. Pupils individual talents and learning styles are catered for very well through a range of interesting and practical experiences. Learners’ needs are the central part of all planning. The excellent curriculum in the Foundation Stage makes very effective use of the outside areas and encourages children to think, explore and investigate for themselves around planned topics.” Ofsted
Staff plan the curriculum in phase teams: Foundation, Y1, Y2 and Y3 and Y4. We have high expectations of all our children and ensure that the work is planned and managed so that every child is supported and challenged. Staff have a wide range of curricular expertise and we use their enthusiasm and talents to best effect, often team teaching or teaching different classes for IT, Music or PE etc. A high priority is placed on all lessons demonstrating clear shared learning intentions, with the children understanding how to be successful. Effective questioning, active learning, peer and self assessment, along with high quality feedback and target setting are core principles in our school.