
At Southridge we believe that Physical Education is a unique and vital contributor to a pupil’s physical development and well being. Our high quality P.E. programme develops knowledge skills and understanding so that our children can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. Our P.E. programme also aims to contribute to the personal development, health and well being, enjoyment, success and achievement of all pupils across the curriculum and beyond. It allows our children to learn, think and make decisions in different ways in response to creative, competitive and challenging activities. P.E. also helps our children  to develop personally and socially through working in teams and undertaking different roles and responsibilities.

Our P.E.  Policy fits in with our school ethos and aims to raise pupils’ self confidence and self-esteem. It also supports the physical, mental, spiritual, cultural and moral needs of each pupil.

 Our Aims for P.E. are:

  • To deliver an entitlement to our children through a planned and progressive curriculum for P.E.
  • Provide opportunities for our children  to take part in a range of competitive, creative and challenge type activities.
  • To develop our children's self confidence in a range of physical environments.
  • To develop physical skilfulness, physical development and a knowledge of the body in action.
  • To promote positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles.
  • To encourage our children to reflect on their actions in order to improve the quality of their actions, performance or composition.
  • Provide opportunities for our children to think about what they are doing and make appropriate decisions for themselves.
  • Provide our children with opportunities to use imaginative ways to express and communicate ideas, solve problems and overcome challenges.
  • To provide feedback to the our children, involving them in their learning, allowing them to plan how to improve their performance.
  • Provide an environment for our children to be committed to P.E. and Sport both in and out of school.
  • Provide an out of school hours programme which extends and enriches the curriculum and which encourages pathways to lifelong participation in physical activity.

 Our Curriculum

      • We aim to offer our children the chance to participate in at least 2 hours of high quality P.E. per week.
      • A broad and balanced curriculum is offered to provide opportunities for everyone to develop their physical skills and understanding in a range of creative, competitive and challenge type activities. The curriculum map is progressive to ensure skills are developed, mastered and applied in a range of contexts.
      • Our children have access to all areas outlined in the National Curriculum Programme of Study and the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance.
      • Schemes of Work are provided for each unit of work and ensure that pupils have the opportunity to:
    • Acquire and develop new skills

    • Select and apply appropriate skills, tactics and techniques

    • Evaluate their own and others performances in order to make improvements

    • Experience a range of roles/responsibilities

    • Make decisions and solve problems

    • Work individually, in pairs and teams


  • Planning and teaching takes into account the 5 abilities recognised in PE – Physical, cognitive, social, personal and creative.
  • In Key Stage 2 pupils in Y3 will receive weekly 30min swimming lessons for a minimum of 20 weeks
  • In Key Stage 1 Y2 pupils will receive weekly 30 minute swimming lessons in the summer term


Teaching and Learning

  •  Lessons will provide our children with the opportunity to make decisions for themselves and to work together to solve problems and to be creative.
  • Lessons will be planned to ensure a range of strategies are used to provide challenge and progression for all children
  • Lessons will be differentiated according to the needs and abilities of each class/ individual. A range of differentiated strategies will be implemented including task, questioning, roles, grouping and individual feedback.
  • Assessment for Learning opportunities will be provided in every lesson to ensure pupils are able to make evaluate and improve work and make progress in learning. This information will also inform teacher planning.

 ICT in P.E.

  • In P.E. staff and children may use ICT to enhance performance and understanding.
  • ICT (See Saw)could be used to record results and achievements through the use of digital photography and video so that the children can evaluate and improve their own performance.

  • Use of the internet can also enhance and improve understanding of the subject.

     Assessment and Recording 

  • The attainment targets for P.E. as detailed in the National Curriculum, set out the knowledge, skills and understanding that children of different abilities are expected to have achieved.
  • We assess children's work in PE by making informal assessments of progress against learning objectives.
  • We also ensure that when assessing, connections are made between acquiring and developing skills, selecting and applying skills, evaluating and improving performances as well as demonstrating knowledge and understanding of health and fitness.
  • In Key Stage Two we also assess pupils’ understanding of different roles (in particular games etc.)
  • Assessment for Learning strategies are used in the course of everyday planning and teaching. These strategies ensure our children are able to evaluate and improve work and make progress in learning and will also inform teacher planning.
  • Progress in PE is reported to parents in end of year reports.

The school values the contribution of external providers/coaches and encourages the opportunity to liaise with the wider community. Appropriate CRB/safeguarding procedures are carried out before external providers begin any work in school

  • North Tyneside LA has a database of coaches and external providers that have undertaken the above checks and are approved for NT schools.




P.E. Kit:


  • Plain white t-shirt with school logo

    Maroon shorts

    Trainers/ Plimsolls


  • Plain white t-shirt with school logo

    Black or Navy jogging bottoms

    Maroon School Jumper

    Trainers/ Plimsolls

    Jewellery and other personal effects should be removed by our children before participating in P.E.


 Out of School Hours Learning (OSHL)


  • The school offers a wide range of before/ after school opportunities for all our children which extend and enhance curriculum work. These activities are advertised to parents on a half termly basis.

  • The school also enters a range of inter school competitions across the year.