I would like to remind you of our school uniform and ask for your help in ensuring that the children are dressed smartly for school.
Our school colours are maroon and grey.
Blouse/Shirt or polo shirt - White
Sweatshirt or Sweatcardigan with school logo on - Maroon
Trousers - Grey
Skirt/pinafore - Grey
Shoes - flat - Black
Socks - Grey or white
Summer Dress - optional - Blue stripe / gingham check
Shorts - Grey
Hairbands - plain, slim line headbands in dark colours.
Earrings or jewellery should not be worn in school
Logoed uniform, school book bags, P.E. bags are available to purchase from Anne Thomas Workwear in Whitley Bay. There is no obligation to wear logoed items.
Please help class teachers by ensuring that children bring their reading book and diary in the school book bags. This is 'slim' and can fit in the children's drawer/trays in the classroom.
Please note that children must wear school shoes NOT trainers.
We would recommend that ALL uniform is named .
Our PTA (Friends of Southridge) organise Second Hand Uniform Stock which is available in the front office, all year round. Please feel free to donate to or use uniform from this collection at any time..