Loading School Day Reception - Year 4 (a typical day) 8.40-8.50 a.m. Children enter school grounds and go straight into classrooms 8.50 a.m. School day begins. Registration and early work. 9.00 a.m. Morning session 1 begins 10:10 a.m. Assembly 10.30-10.45 a.m. Morning break 10.45 a.m. Morning session 2 begins 11.40 a.m. Lunch begins Reception 11.45 a.m. Lunch break begins KS1 12.00 noon Lunch break begins KS2 1.00 p.m. Afternoon session 1 begins R - Y4. 2-2.10 p.m. Afternoon break 2.10 p.m. Afternoon session 2 begins 3.20 p.m. Afternoon session ends Reception and Year 1 – 4 After-school clubs begin. 3.30 p.m. Pick-up ends. 4.20-4.30 p.m. Pick up from after-school clubs.
School Day Reception - Year 4 (a typical day) 8.40-8.50 a.m. Children enter school grounds and go straight into classrooms 8.50 a.m. School day begins. Registration and early work. 9.00 a.m. Morning session 1 begins 10:10 a.m. Assembly 10.30-10.45 a.m. Morning break 10.45 a.m. Morning session 2 begins 11.40 a.m. Lunch begins Reception 11.45 a.m. Lunch break begins KS1 12.00 noon Lunch break begins KS2 1.00 p.m. Afternoon session 1 begins R - Y4. 2-2.10 p.m. Afternoon break 2.10 p.m. Afternoon session 2 begins 3.20 p.m. Afternoon session ends Reception and Year 1 – 4 After-school clubs begin. 3.30 p.m. Pick-up ends. 4.20-4.30 p.m. Pick up from after-school clubs.